Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm baaack!

I'm aware I completely abandoned my blog posting after my rough time of learning of my friends passing. Almost two months have passed since I last wrote a post and I finally feel comfortable writing again. When someone you love and care about passes it really does flip your world upside down.

This being said, I decided to go on some amazing travels all through the month of July (along with some amazing company of course). I am lucky enough to say that I can juggle my work life and my outside world life and travel without worry. 

In the whole month of July I went to San Francisco, Las Vegas, and New York City. These trips were amazing and really eye opening to make me appreciate living in paradise, or as some refer to it as San Diego. I went to San Francisco for my dad's 50th birthday. Hard to believe that he is 50 because when you look at him he still looks 35. Las Vegas was for my future sister in law's Bachelorette party! Talk about a lot of alcohol and adult games and activities! New York City always captures my heart every time I am there! There is just something about the city, nightlife, amazing food and interesting people!  I am posting some pictures from my ventures in Las Vegas and San Francisco below and I hope you all enjoy them! 

In other news, I currently am in the process of planning my future Sister in Law's Bridal Shower at my house this weekend. Of course, because the wedding colors are Tiffany blue I went with the theme of "Breakfast at Tiffany's." I will be posting pictures and all the fabulous and glamorous details of this event as well after Saturday!

It's funny...something that I learned from my friend passing and my grandfather who was a major inspiration on my life, is to always look at life in positivity. I've always been a positive person, but now I look at life with a new perspective. Tomorrow is never promised and embracing the time we have is all we can do. Even after these amazing people are out of my life they are still teaching me lessons from beyond. 
